Friday, August 30, 2013

The Questions

1.       How does copyright affect spoofs or parodies? The spoof has to be a true parody if so you are protected under the fair use Doctrine

2.       Is verbal consent good enough when you shot a video?
Verbal consent is legally sufficient, but not the best idea because of the difficulty in proving what exactly the consent was given for. Getting consent in writing is always the best idea because it is clear exactly what the other person consented to.
What can happen  if someone infringes one someone copyright?The consequences are monetary and the fine could range from 150,000.00 to 500,000.00

4.       How do you go about making a film in a local business is it a contract agreement or just and ok from    the owner? The owner must be aware that you are in fact using his property and as long as he agrees its fine some may use it as free marketing

5.       What are the rules for making a remake based on a classic film that has fallen into the public domain?Just because the film is public domain does not mean the script is public domain so therefore look out for infringing on scripts copyright

6.       If the film is based on a novel.  Does this mean anyone is free to go and remake the film as he wishes or do you still have to get the approval from the heirs of the author (author of novel), director, etc…? The company must buy the books movie rights or it its copyright infringement.

7.       Can I use a song or other copyrighted work in my film if I change ... percent of it?if you plan to use copyrighted material in your film, get permission.

8.       Do I need to get my film rated before I can show it to an audience?USA, the movie rating system is administered by the Motion Picture Association of America and is voluntary your film says unrated you might run into local government issues.Its also depends on what country you wish to show the movie because every country is different.

9.       Is it necessary to obtain a release from everyone whose face appears on camera?Yes it is necessary if you are filming and someone under the age of 18 is involved you must get permission from there parent or guardian. News stations are excused from this law because they are under the Public interest so have someone sign a public release form.

These questions are interest to me because they will help me in the long run when I get my degree and begin using it for the short films that I will do until I get in the big leagues. If you have a low budget you will need to use little places or whatever you can get. My question deal with contract agreements and how to go about copyrights and even turning a novel into a movie. Even deals with if I was filming a movie and people faces appear do I have to stop everyone every time for them to sign a release because they walked through my set.Laws not only protect the work we do but they also bring safety to others."We depend upon laws for safe communities, functioning economies, and personal liberties. An easy way to gauge the importance of law is to glance through any newspaper and read about nations that lack a strong system of justice."(Beatty & Samuelson pg.4 Asking questions about the law to someone who has studied it is just more knowledge that will help me and my peers later down the line with our degrees so we can have a positive future enjoying what we like to do. Some laws that people break are laws that you should just morally not do " There are many instances when the law duplicates what all of us would regard as a moral position."(Beatty & Samuelson pg.9)

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