Friday, July 26, 2013

EOC:week 3 Rolling Stones

                The Boston Bombing Suspect appeared on the front cover of The Rolling Stones magazine latest issue. 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was known by many as his friends and people around him as a great kid. He claimed he didn't want to have to kill innocent people but the United States government kills innocent Muslims every day in Iraq or even I Afghanistan. He and His brother used pressure cookers that would act as bombs were set off at the marathons finish line. These bombs killed 3 people the youngest being an 8 year old boy, and injured 300 people with flying shrapnel.  Tsarnaev and his brother’s conduct did intentionally cause injuries to the victims so there go factual cause. He took full responsibly for the attack and said “I can't stand to see such evil go unpunished. We Muslims are one body, you hurt one, and you hurt us all," The other brother who was known to friends as Tim was an aspiring Olympic boxer. The both were to the public just as American as everyone else around. They smoked lots of weed as well according to friends. The oldest brother Tim was gunned down by police when they caught up to him he was found in a boat. Many Americans are mad about Jahar being on the cover of this magazine. He and his brother planned this attacked and went through with it. “There have been more than 25 plots to strike the United States hatched by Americans, most of which were ill-conceived or helped along by undercover operatives who, in many cases, provided their targets with weapons or other materials.”- Janet Reitman. Both of these brothers had no Duty Due care when planning this attack. They could have killed so many others as well that day. This is also a case of Ultra hazardous Activity because of the fact they had explosives that can do harm to people. The building around them also set fire. Arson is both state and federal crimes. There is so much this case will bring out and the victims will get justice. There no other option.

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